Although often thought of as a terrible word doctrine merely means the teachings, instructions or positions held.

The National Catholic Church of North America makes the following statements.


The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility is often misunderstood. The Roman Catholic Church has specific conditions under which statements by the Pope are defined as infallible teaching. With this in mind, it follows that no individual, regardless of position in the Church, receives an infallible personal insight into the Mind of God by virtue of their call or position in the Church. Rather, the Holy Spirit inspires each person, lay, religious, and clergy, with gifts for the building of God's Kingdom (cf. 1 Corinthians 12, et al.) according to the Spirit's Plan for God's People. This inspiration can support a thesis, and so under certain circumstances the Pope (Bishop of Rome) may, with the support of the Church, issue statements that are infallible. Therefore, not every statement made by the Pope is defined as infallible teaching.

Christ committed to his Apostles a ministry of teaching which they, in turn, passed to their successors, the Bishops. It is, therefore, the Sacramental Charism of the Bishops of the Church, acting in a moral consensus, to define the beliefs of the Church and to regulate Sacraments.

To be accepted as defined matters of the Faith and inerrant Truth, however, theological postulates require a moral consensus of all bishops and must also be received as inerrant Truth by the People of God. Thus they cannot be imposed on the People of God by the actions of any single person, regardless of their Office or stature in the Church.

Rights and Freedoms

The National Catholic Church of North America, following the guidance of Bishop Duarte-Costa, respects "...freedom of thought in matters...religious, civil, political, scientific, and philosophical ... not permitting any person to be questioned under any pretext in relation to his beliefs, so that his rights and obligations are not conditioned or limited in any way" (quotations from the English translation of the Statutes of ICAB (1945)). Therefore, the National Catholic Church of North America leaves to the informed conscience of our people matters which are properly theirs to decide before God.

Further, the National Catholic Church of North America is committed to treating all people with love and acceptance following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. We understand that this is a difficult challenge and know it can only be achieved with our diligence and the Grace of Christ.

Finally, we assert that all of God’s children deserve equal rights, obligations and freedoms - period.


The National Catholic Church of North America welcomes all people to participation in the life and Sacraments of the Church asking only moral conduct which is appropriate for all Christians.

The call to be a Christian entails moral and ethical behavior which flows from a conscience informed by prayer and study. While it is not the function of the Church to be judgmental regarding the conduct of individual members, this lack should not be seen as affirming immoral conduct of any kind, but is a recognition that we are unworthy to judge.

It is, rather, the Church's function to offer instruction and guidance in a Christian way of life so that those whom Jesus calls may lead lives in imitation of Christ out of Love for God and not from fear of damnation nor from censure by their sisters and brothers (cf. Matthew 7:1-5; John 8:7, et al.).

Divorce and remarriage

Divorce is not generally an impediment to remarriage and does not bar one from the reception of the Sacraments.

Holy Orders

For details on incardination of Clergy and admission of candidates for Holy Orders please contact the director of vocations at [email protected]

Relations with other churches

We welcome all who come to us in the Name of the Lord. We believe that all communities of faith honor and worship the one God. We extend to them the warmest of bonds of Love and Fellowship. They are our brothers and sisters in our common God. (cf. Mark 9:40)

We welcome to the Lord's Table all baptized Christians who approach it reverently, regardless of their current ecclesiastical affiliation. Divorce and remarriage are not impediments to the reception of the Holy Eucharist (see Matthew 10:8).


All people sin. Sin is a sad but inherent part of a human nature which has yet to fully align itself with the Will of God. As sinners we recognize the need for repentance and reordering of our lives; but also trust in the infinite love and forgiveness of our Lord. Reconciliation is the great Sacrament by which those who have wandered on paths which lead astray are reunited and reconciled to the Lord and His People.

Private Confession is available from any priest by request.

